
Remodeling A Historic Home

A historic home is considered historic because it has architectural significance, and this means it is registered in the national registry of historic homes. When you buy a historic home, you should be aware of all of the regulations that come along with owning it, especially if you are looking to restore it or remodel it. Historic homes come with restrictions that you need to keep in mind because they could hinder your remodel vision. Most of the restrictions have to do with the home exterior and the look of it remaining in its historic state. So, before you buy a historic home, what are the main restrictions that you need to be aware of? Let’s take a look because you need to have approval from building officials before you go about any projects.

The Restrictions


One of the most common remodels on a home is additions. You may want to add space and square footage to your home but a historic home might not allow for it. A lot of times additions can ruin the historic character of a home and change its history. In some cases, this may be allowed but it is suggested that any additions should be done along the backside of the house so that it doesn’t change the front visual and curb appeal. After all, you most likely purchased the home because of its historic nature.

Related: How to check a contractor’s credentials before starting a project

Windows and Shutters

Windows and shutters are a huge indicator of the historic nature of a home. If a home is well cared for then the historic windows and or shutters can last for a very long time and if you need to replace them, you should keep them in the same style as they were initially. Like all of the other points in this article, making a drastic visual change will change the nature of the historic home. A lot of times replacing a historic window can be difficult because of the newer materials used for windows now. The same goes for shutters. Keep this in mind because it can be a costly fix and you remodel a historic home.


Roofing needs to be repaired or replaced over time with any home. Repairing or replacing the roof of a historic home can be expensive just like the windows and shutters. This is because you will need to find someone who can replace it with the original material and use the same roofing technique. Roofing may not have specific regulations on it, but you will want to stick with a similar material so you don’t alert any potential building regulators by drastically changing it.

Paint Color

Heron Bay Realtor Eitan Abramowitz advises, “More often than not, your paint color will be restricted. The original color of the house is what is appropriate for that home historically and usually fits within the historic district in which your home is located.”


Historic homes have different taxes depending on where they are located. Usually, the taxes of a historic home are higher but there are programs available to help reduce the cost.

In Conclusion

Owning and caring for a historic home can be difficult but can set you apart. You have a piece of history that is in your hands to care for and that is why there are regulations to make sure you care for it to preserve that piece of history.

For more information on buying or selling any type of real estate, contact us, we would love to help you navigate what you are looking for.

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